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How To Use Your PEMF Unit
To Achieve Your Health Objectives
When you get your PEMF unit and the basic operators education; all you need to do is 3 things:
- Relax 'don't fight the field' and Breathe! (O)xygen - think about the spiritual books and great religions that reference it as the Breath of Life.
- (H2O) - "God's Water" meaning good, clean, pure water
- Consistency (t/w) - time is part of the (R) Healing Equation; time-weighted (t/w) average of magnetic field exposure
Oxygen - Water - ConsistencyIt's that simple!
"Naturopathy, with all its various methods of treatments, has always one end in view and one end only; to increase the vital force." - Dr. Benedict Lust
What is Naturopathy? (p 1)
Naturopathy is a distinct school of healing, employing the beneficent agent of Nature’s forces, of water, air, sunlight, earth power , electricity, magnetism, exercise, rest, proper diet, various kinds of mechanical treatment, and mental and moral science. — Dr Benedict Lust.
Naturopathy is based on several principles, the foundational one should be “first do no harm” (premum no nocere).
Naturopaths practice and believe in “the healing power of nature” (vis medicatrix naturae).
Naturopaths deal and work with "the cause” (tolle causam).
Naturopaths believe in, “prevention is the best cure” and the body “cures” itself.
Naturopathy is based on several principles, the foundational one should be “first do no harm” (premum no nocere).
Naturopaths practice and believe in “the healing power of nature” (vis medicatrix naturae).
Naturopaths deal and work with "the cause” (tolle causam).
Naturopaths believe in, “prevention is the best cure” and the body “cures” itself.
Toxemia as a Cause of Disease (p 21)
“Clean blood is the instrument of health and the foundation of happiness.”
As the Bible states it, “The life of all flesh is the blood thereof.”
As the Bible states it, “The life of all flesh is the blood thereof.”
Biological Facts (p 73)
The human body contains several hundred miles of nerves which are capable of conducting electromagnetic energy.
Local current flow occurs (in the body) wherever there is an electrical gradient. The resting electrical potential of cellular membranes varies from 5 to 100 millivolts (nerves have some of the highest resting potentials).
Once stimulated, the action potential of nerve cells last for approximately 1 millisecond. Each action potential triggers (via local current flow) a new action potential at an adjacent area of membrane. The local flow is just powerful enough to trip the adjacent membrane site past its threshold potential.
In nerve cells, the membranes are normally initiated at one end of the cell and then propagate toward the other end of the cell.
Thus, nearly every part of the human body is connected directly (and always indirectly) to every other part of the body.
It should be noted that electromagnetic energy is not fully understood by the scientific community. It is generally believed that electromagnetic energy holds atoms together. It is theorized that electromagnetic energy exists in wave form; and travels 186,000 miles per second.
Reference: [17] Guyton A.C. “Textbook of Medical Physiology”
Local current flow occurs (in the body) wherever there is an electrical gradient. The resting electrical potential of cellular membranes varies from 5 to 100 millivolts (nerves have some of the highest resting potentials).
Once stimulated, the action potential of nerve cells last for approximately 1 millisecond. Each action potential triggers (via local current flow) a new action potential at an adjacent area of membrane. The local flow is just powerful enough to trip the adjacent membrane site past its threshold potential.
In nerve cells, the membranes are normally initiated at one end of the cell and then propagate toward the other end of the cell.
Thus, nearly every part of the human body is connected directly (and always indirectly) to every other part of the body.
It should be noted that electromagnetic energy is not fully understood by the scientific community. It is generally believed that electromagnetic energy holds atoms together. It is theorized that electromagnetic energy exists in wave form; and travels 186,000 miles per second.
Reference: [17] Guyton A.C. “Textbook of Medical Physiology”
Warnings & Precautions
As stated on page 14 of the iMRS Prime operating manual.
- The following warnings are provided for the IMRS Prime:
- Avoid moisture. The unit must not be installed in damp or wet rooms!
- Do not use the system if the surface of the system or the accessories is damaged.
- Always unplug the power cord before cleaning.
- Any use other than that described in the operating instructions can lead to damaging the device and unforeseeable health consequences and is therefore not permitted.
- The following precautions apply to iMRS Prime:
- Before use, ensure that the applicator connection cables are positioned so that no strangulations or restriction of breathing can occur.
- People with orthostatic problems (dizziness when standing up) should stand up very slowly and carefully after the application.
- In all cases in which the application is associated with conspicuous body reactions that have not been observed before, it is recommened to consult a physician/therapist with experience in the application of magnetic resonance stimulation for clarification.
CONTRAINDICATIONS:Pregnancy, epilepsy, electronic implants such as pacemakers or insulin pumps (exceptions with the consent of a treating physician) & children younger than 2 weeks