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Our clients say
Spondylitis Lower Back Pain Relief
I love my Hybrid mat! It is the first thing that I do in the morning and the last thing that I do at night. I like to set my mat so it’s nice and toasty and it feels amazing!! I have Spondylitis in my lower back, and using the mat has helped me tremendously. I try to take it with me when I travel and when I don’t I definitely regret it! It was a big purchase for me, but I would do it again knowing the benefits that I receive using it every day.
Carol Duffy
Thrilled with Results
I'm so thrilled with the results and benefits I'm seeing from people who are using the mats. Some of them even bring tears to my eyes!
Erika Hinchcliffe, OwnerBody Alive in Grand Cayman
Performing Well in College
I love working in a PEMF session before heading to class! Brining my Omnium1 to college has allowed me to recharge and rebalance my mind and body between workouts, activities, and classes. I am able to think more clearly and perform better overall with the energy from a session. PEMF has been the game changer for me as a college student who needs sufficient and stabilized energy. No need for energy drinks when I have PEMF!
Ali Barton
Loving our Mat, Pad & Spot FIR - Bonus!
We are loving our mat, pad & spot and the FIR was an unexpected bonus that my husband did not anticipate he would appreciate so much (I knew he would be happy we got the FIR!). We are using the mat daily, morning and night and more on the weekends.
Karen & Robert S.
Bone Density Improvement
I've got great news. My bone density showed significant improvement since 2 years ago! Normally there is a slow decline, but I reversed it! I am attributing that to the Omnium1, calcium, and vitamin D to stregthen the bones. Real data from someone you know.
Share with confidence!
Audrey W.
Walking Stronger, Faster, Feels Better & Happier
I spoke with my dad last night, and he said he feels better! And he sounded better, happier! I'm so happy they're feeling the change! Even his neighbor asked what he is doing different as he is walking stronger and faster. Thank you, Kim!
Andrea G.
it will change your life
My PEMF journey began in February 2020 when I tried Kim Hatzer's suggestion. After a loaner for 2 weeks...I knew I couldn't live without one. I made up my mind and purchased one the 1st of March. ALL I CAN SAY IS THIS SUCKER WORKS. I have increased energy. I no longer have joint pain. I take it with me everywhere on trips. The OmniPad is excellent for travel. I can ride for hours and walk normal when I make stops...if you know what I mean. I'm not stoved up after sitting for long periods of time. It has also helped my sinus issues. Ya just need to try one...it will change your life.
Marilyn Sullivan
Energized, Arthritic Relief, more out of weight training
I was using another PEMF system for five years and didn't experience the results that I have since using the Swiss Bionic Solutions PEMF system this past month. Besides feeling more energized, I’ve noticed the arthritic pain in my fingers has decreased and have increased the weights I use during my weight training sessions. Since it has been very cold and no sun I have been enjoyed and appreciated the far infrared feature. Now I am looking forward to experiencing the exagon brain. Thank you for introducing me to the Swiss Bionic world where I feel I am taking care of my body and my cell health.
Benefits of Consistent use of PEMF in the home
Lacrosse is a rigorous sport. Our son uses the Omnium1 pregame to get amped up and post game to heal the bumps, bruises and sore muscles quickly. It is especially helpful during tournament season when he plays back to back games multiple days in a row. Some teammates are going to a doctor's office to receive the benefits of PEMF, and our son is fortunate enough to have a unit in his own home where he can use it consistently.
The Hutter Family
Pregame & Post game with PEMF for Lacrosse
My mom makes me pregame and post game for lacrosse with the Omnium1 and sometimes bribes me with ice cream and a show!
Loving the mat - I had a really bad headache, the kind you wake up with. I took 2 Aleve that didn't even touch it and kept getting worse. I hopped on the mat before leaving to go out for dinner and realized on the way to dinner my headache was completely gone!! I am so excited about my new purchase!
Reenergized with PEMF
The other day I was cleaning the house and washing windows. About halfway through I thought, 'I cannot do one more thing'. I laid on the mat and felt as energetic as I had when I got up that morning!
Sharon Somers
chronic neck pain
I love my PEMF mat. When I consistently do it one or two times a day, I have found that my chronic neck pain has greatly decreased. I went from taking Advil a few times a week to only needing a couple times a month.
Torn Ligament in Foot
Tennis is a rough sport. Torn ligament in foot. Great PT plus PEMF = Back on the court ASAP. What would I do without this {OmniSpot}?!?
Natasha Vissering-Hutter
keep on Dancing
Looking back on 50 years of marriage, we agree the best money spent in our 20's was for dance lessons. Now, in our 70's, the best money spent has been for our Omnium1. By achieving optium health with the help of PEMF, we are able to keep on dancing! Life is good thanks to PEMF.
Rick & Sally Renken
trust me everyone, it works
Trust me everyone, it works!! And way better than putting those medications in your body that affect so many of our vital organs!!
Elbow pain
I injured my elbow, don't even know how, but it was so painful and I couldn't straighten it. After ONE session with the OmniSpot device last night, I was able to straighten my elbow.
Sharon Somers
Spider Veins
OH MY GOSH!!! This is crazy!!! I was just looking at my legs and noticed my spider veins are all gone. I was wondering what the reason might be for this and then I saw the testimony on spider veins!! Thank you, Kim! This visual is proof the mat is working."
Cindi A.
Nutrition Response Testing with HRV Results
I have been doing Nutrition Response Testing for over 10 years and have never seen an improvement like this in one month. This was proof to me that the mat was working. It was helping his body to better be able to assimilate the nutrition and to help his body heal quickly. After seeing his results, I was sold and decided to purchase the iMRS Prime Hybrid.
Full Testimonial & HRV Results
mCL Tear
Shortly after I got my Omnium1, I had a complete tear of my MCL (a knee ligament). I am a competitive tennis player, so I was distraught. I used my OmniSpot regularly after the injury. I had virtually no swelling, bruising and barely any pain. I recovered fully without surgery in a shorter than expected time. I attribute much of this to PEMF. I continue to use it regularly for regeneration and repair from the demands of tennis and also for my general well being and getting myself to be the best version of well that I can be.
Natasha Vissering-Hutter
I have been challenged with daily headaches and migraines since early childhood and have consumed countless over the counter and prescription meds daily to control the effects. I found relief the first time I used the Omnium1. I use the full mat daily and now, on rare occasions, if I feel a headache coming on I use the pad and the headache is gone. No more meds! This has been life changing for me. I only wish I heard about the benefits of PEMF sooner.
Rick Renken
Cell health matters
When you {Kim} showed us the Omnium1, I knew nothing about the cells in my body and I wasn't concerned about what was happening to them. After hearing your passion, willingness to help us, and spending time on our mat, pad, and spot, I'm finally seeing the importance of cell health. Thanks for your patience and love for PEMF to help others achieve better health. God bless the work of your hands.
Empowering Cells Client
Bi-Lateral Knee Replacement
Received our mat June 16th by June 21st as I went to church that Sunday I was able to kneel on both knees comfortably. In 2017 I had bi-lateral knee replacement. Rehab was difficult and from that day on I was no longer able to kneel without pain and discomfort. After six days of using my Omnium1 I can kneel at church painless and comfortable. I am so thankful that we have our mat.
Back Pain
For the first time since I was a teenager, I have relief from lower back pain and sciatica thanks to Swiss Bionics Omnium1. In addition, my energy level has increased, I feel better overall, and noticed that some pickleball and bicycling injuries healed faster than I thought possible. I can't imagine life without my Omnium1 PEMF system. It's a great feeling to be proactive with my health.
Sally Renken
Balanced, Focused & Energized
I loved my week with the demo mat! I felt more balanced, focused, and energized! My mood also seemed lifted and stabilized-- my days just felt more 'even'! I'm very drawn to this technology and can't wait to purchase a unit of my own!
Cherin Rykaczewski,
Women's Confidence Coach
COVID-19 Recovery
My signifcant other is definitely feeling better after testing positive for COVID-19. We're going to thank PEMF for that! I sent him one of the YouTube videos from your website. I think that finally did the trick for him to try it.
Spider Veins
I noticed the spider veins on my legs are almost gone. I cannot wait to see what they look like by next summer. All I need to do next is tone them up and I'll be ready for Daisy Dukes. I have tried other things, including saline injections, years ago. It was painful and they came back. I owe it all to THE MAT...PEMF Therapy with Swiss Bionic Solutions.
Empowering Cells Client
Preventative Measure after Cancer
I recently underwent a total laryngectomy to remove two cancerous tumors on my vocal cords. Fortunately, I did not require radiation or chemo but the experience left me concerned that the cancer could come back. After reading about the efficacy of using PEMF on the body to prevent cancer, I had to buy one. I have been using it every day, mostly as a preventative measure but it has helped heal muscle soreness and my wife’s hip pain. To me it was a small investment to make to help improve my overall health and hopefully, prevent the return of my cancer. Sure beats Chemo!
Len Black
Rotator Cuff Post Op
It has been 4.5 weeks since my rotator cuff surgery, and I was thrilled when my physical therapist told me I was ahead of the normal recovery with no inflammation and virtually pain free. I have been using the PEMF pad daily on my shoulder and have been able to sleep in my own bed with little to no pain since Day 2 post op. I love my physical therapy sessions and they, as well, are painless so far. My therapist confirmed my belief that blood flow, circulation, and oxygen to those "little places" in and around my rotator cuff was crucial in helping me heal quickly and pretty much pain free. PEMF is simply AMAZING!!!I have been blessed with a great surgeon, an awesome physical therapist, a supportive family, a positive attitude, and PEMF system which are all working together to benefit my healing process. Life is Good!
Sally Renken
Life Changing: Lymphedema, Diabetes, Tension, Sleep
I have been using the Omnium1 for a little over 4 months now and I am amazed at my transformation. I have suffered from leg swelling, and leg cramps for years due to Lymphedema. And with daily use of the Omnium1 I have less swelling, minimal cramping and I can now sit Indian style on the floor for hours and not have tingling or having my legs fall asleep. I don’t feel as tired at the end of the day and I can stand and walk without pain. It has also helped with my diabetes and tension. I sleep like a baby after spending some time on the mat everyday. Life changing and I am so glad I met Kim and her introducing me and my Husband to the mat!
Elizabeth & Jeremy C.